Rens - Author
27/09/2018 13:13
Let's start!
We are sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. Fortunately we have very good news now! Samsung is now reaching out to all of you to organize the delivery. They will give you a call today or tomorrow. And they will not only have the TV's delivered. They will also make sure to provide full installation and a demo! This means that you can start watching right away :-)
25 places only. You are among the lucky ones and from now on your viewing experience will change completely. Let yourself be immersed by the most advanced technologies that the Samsung QLED TV has to offer you. We are very curious about your opinions.
What's next?
When you have received your TV, start exploring all the possibilities of the QLED TV. Let us know what you think in 'My Testimonial'. You can update this as you discover more and develop your opinion. Our reviewcoach will assist you with tips on how to write a review that is useful to others.